UltraTech Ultra-Track Berm®


Ultra-Track Berm®

Manufacturer: UltraTech

Part Number: 8490

Description: Portable containment unit captures railcar leaks and spills.

Leaky locomotives and tanker cars can wreak environmental havoc on a railroad site. For loading areas, maintenance locations and other sections where leaks and spills are frequent, a more permanent spill containment system like the Ultra-Track Pans is an excellent solution.

But for a portable spill containment / spill response solution, the Ultra-Track Berm may be just the right answer. The track berm is portable enough to be quickly and effectively moved by one person to a leak or spill and can capture up to 144 gallons.

If a larger spill occurs or greater capacity is needed, drain hoses (not included) can be connected to the camlock fittings so the spilled material is directed to a waste collection area or larger container.


  • Lightweight and portable spill containment unit is easily placed under leaking/spilling railcars.
  • Dual-sump design provides protection for area on either side of the rail.
  • Two (2) stainless steel camlock fittings allow quick and leak-free drainage of spilled chemicals.
  • Closed-cell polyethylene (LLDPE) foam provides secure sidewall structure.
  • Durable 40oz. (42 mil) PVC construction withstands harsh railroad conditions and provides excellent chemical compatibility.


Part No. Dimensions in. Containment Capacity gal. (L) Weight lbs. (kg)
8490 72 x 48 x 12 144 (545) 24.0 (10.9)


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