Uni-Ram URS1600SS Series, 16 Gallon Solvent Recycler, Vacuum Assisted


URS1600SS Series, 16 Gallon Solvent Recycler, Vacuum Assisted

Manufacturer: Uni-Ram

Part Number: URS1600SS

Description: The Uniram URS1600SS solvent recycler eff ectively reclaims used solvent for reuse and segregates solid waste like paint for disposal. With a Uni-ram solvent recycler the operation becomes “Greener”. The facility can improve its Waste Generator Status with Environmental Agencies as used solvent transported off site is reduced by approximately 90%. 

All Uni-ram Solvent Recyclers feature rapid-start direct electric heating of solvent and a short cooldown time due to high-eff ciency condensers and air cooling with a motor driven fan.

Liner bags purchased separately below

You will be contacted with a freight quote for shipping

Applications include:

  • Reclaim lacquer thinners used to remove paint and debris from spray painting equipment.
  • Reclaim solvents like acetone used to clean equipment used in fibrerglass construction.


  • Construction: 18 gauge, 304 stainless steel cabinet.
  • Distillation Tank: 316 stainless steel
  • Cooling: High efficiency 316 stainless steel condenser with motor driven fan
  • Solvent Transfer: Transfer in / out by timer.
  • Control System: Operational control and continuous monitoring by sophisticated microprocessor with status messages. Self test mode

*Note on VOLTAGE: Operating the unit at VOLTAGE lower than 220V (eg: 208V) may result in reduced performance.

Safety Features:

  • Explosion proof construction and intrinsically safe electric circuitry.
  • Computer controlled with many built-in safety programs including temperature control of all critical points including tank, condenser and fan motor. Power is cut when the temperature at any of these points rises above a pre-set level. Operation also terminates when other abnormal conditions exist (eg: boiling does not start on time or the distillation process takes too long).
  • Automatic pressure relief lid system prevents pressure in the Distillation Tank from exceeding 0.5 to 1.0 psi. (0.035 to 0.070 kglcm2).
  • Self Diagnostic error messages are displayed on the Display Panel.
  • Dual lid cover system.
  • Compact, enclosed cabinet for safe storage of the Solvent Receiving Container inside the cabinet.

Parts and Accessories:

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