
Trim Finishing System 120 (TFS-120)

The high-performance coating capability of the TFS-120 increases production, lowers costs, and virtually levels the playing field for small and medium sized companies. A throughput speed adjustable from 0 to 150 feet per minute will produce a mile of molding an hour with consistent quality. 

The powder coated chassis and anodized articulating gun arms with mounts are indicative of the quality that will provide years of dependable service and satisfaction.

The 1-hp Class 1/Div1 Explosion Proof motor is equipped with a variable speed inverter, which provides 110v single phase plug-in convenience.

The TFS-120 is designed to accommodate 34” minimum lengths and 12” maximum widths.  

Our experts are standing by to help you select the right feeding method for your application. With more than 30 years of industry experience Total Finishing Supplies has the right expertise. Please call or text us at 503-545-3176 with any questions.  We’re on standby to help!

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