Wide Belt Abrasives

Wide Belt Abrasives

Wide Belt Abrasives

What Are Wide Belt Sanders Used For?

Wide belt sanders are popular machines on the woodworking market. They’re designed to sand down wooden pieces to a specified finish and thickness. Wide belt sanders can be used to sand and create even surfaces on solid wood materials and composite boards such as plywood. They can also be used for leveling uneven wood, sanding down rough surfaces, and preparing a piece of wood for special coating. A wide belt sander uses also includes removing unwanted residue like paint from the surface of your material.

Wide belt sanders typically operate the same. A height-adjustable table sits under the wide abrasive belt. The table should be raised to make the space between the table and the belt slightly less than the thickness of the wood you’re sanding. As the wood is fed through the machine, the abrasive belt sands the piece down to the specified thickness.

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Total Finishing Supplies is the industry-leading SurfPrep distributor that provides customers with one of the largest selections of SurfPrep products you’ll find.

SurfPrep is home to the original foam-backed abrasive and is the answer for the simple sanding solution you’ve been searching long and hard for—and it’s available to you right here at Total Finishing Supplies.

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