Automotive Crossdraft Paint Spray Booth

Automotive Enclosed Crossdraft Paint Spray Booth

Our paint spray booth manufacturing partners produce paint-booths made to our parent company's, Total Finishing Solutions, LLC, specifications. We offer a wide variety of paint spray booths for high solids, waterborne and electrostatic applications. Total Finishing Solutions, LLC has manufactured paint spray booths and air handling equipment for R.V. and bus manufacturers, aerospace applications, N.A.S.A., railroad, furniture manufacturers, and the United States Military. Total Finishing Solutions, LLC can meet your requirements for any application. Total Finishing Solutions, LLC equipment is designed by industry-wise craftsmen with quality, safety, and efficiency in mind. Superior airflow provides a safer work environment for the operator and the perfect painting environment. The long history of Total Finishing Solutions, LLC and our partners is a testimony to the success of a company that stresses customer satisfaction, service, and quality. 

Note: All of our paint spray booths are California Compliant and Permit acquisition services are available.  Also, installation services are available upon request.

Fresh Filtered Air

The CROSSFLOW paint spray booth introduces fresh filtered air evenly across one end of the booth. The air flows smoothly along the sides of the vehicle and then is drawn away toward the opposite end of the booth. It then passes through the exhaust arrestors where the overspray is trapped and the air exhausted and dispersed. The CROSSFLOW paint spray booth is available in three configurations.
  • The Standard Configuration (ASA or Standard Airflow) has the intake filters located in the doors and the exhaust arrestors at the rear of the booth.
  • The Reversed Configuration (ARA or Reversed Airflow) shown here has the intake filters at the rear of the booth and the exhaust arrestors to the sides of the drive-in doors.
  • The Drive-thru Configuration (ASD or Drive-thru) has the exhaust arrestors to the sides of the solid doors on one end and the intake filters in the doors on the other end.

For increased thru-put and also for use with newer spray paints and coatings, the CROSSFLOW paint spray booth is designed to be used with the AMS1000 heat system. These systems have proven track records for reliability and efficiency on TFS booths. They are weatherproof so they can be mounted on either the roof of the booth or on the roof of the building, depending on individual needs and preferences.

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Click here to download the ISO Model

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