Sarmax Cheyenne SP4-400

Sarmax Cheyenne SP4-400

Sarmax Cheyenne SP4-400

Structuring and sanding machine for wooden and wpc components such as claddings, beads, profiles andflooring boards with maximum width 40 cm and 30 cm high.

Equipped with integrated shaft-motor (diameter 45 mm) to guarantee maximum rigidity. Built with high-speed dynamically balanced brushes that work without vibrations.

The machine consists of four independent and separate brushing groups; the first two (steel brush) are used for roughing while the second two (silicon carbide brush) are used for finishing. It is possible to vary the degree of rusticating by setting the working depth.

The Cheyenne single-side rusticating machines have been designed and manufactured using cutting-edge production technologies able to provide strength, operating precision, and reliability over the years.

The Cheyenne single-side line offers a broad range of uses, from window and door components to carpentry pieces such as dovetailed wall cover, floor planks and furniture elements. Flexibility makes the Cheyenne single-sided line an excellent brushing machine; and not only by changing the brushes according to requirements, it can also polish, clean and apply products on wooden profiles.

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