Color Change Valves

color change valves

Color Change Valves

Color change valves are carefully designed to facilitate the merging of multiple colors into a single connection point, enabling users to select a specific color and/or flush a color as needed. Color changers are compact and lightweight to meet a broad range of applications with the capacity to save time and reduce operating costs. With multi-color handling capabilities, the automated ease with which changes are accomplished, and the elimination of multiple paint cans means less downtime for color changes and reduced labor costs.

Color change valves are a modular system, meaning you can start however small you need to and integrate more color valves later. They are available in low and high pressure.

With industry leading names like Binks, Ransburg, and Wagner, you can find all the tools and professional help you need to build your color change setup. With more than 30 years of industry experience, our experts at Total Finishing are standing by to help you select the right product for your application. Please call or text us at 503-868-4886 with any questions. We're on standby to help!

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