DeVilbiss Curing And Drying

DeVilbiss Curing And Drying

DeVilbiss Curing And Drying

Consistent, easy to direct curing solution for automotive refinishing.

The Tru-Cure™ line of products are designed to provide an even cure of most automotive refinishing materials. The portable, low cost system requires no installation allowing quick start-up.

Our stand-up infrared unit features a unique dimpled sheet reflector that generates extremely even curing intensity and temperature over entire surfaces. This ensures the fastest possible curing time, while minimizing risk of over-curing or burning sections of your coating.

Additionally, the Trisk | DeVilbiss Tru-Cure IR lamp units feature an adjustment to allow it to be set for curing both horizontal and vertical without putting additional stress on the lamp itself if constantly changed by the operator. IR lamp unit is able to cure larger areas at both 60°C and 70°C (140°F and 160°F)

For expert assistance in selecting the right parts for your DeVilbiss system, call or text us at 503-868-4886. Our team, with over 30 years of industry experience Total Finishing SUPPLIES, is ready to help you maintain and enhance your curing process.

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