Erzinger E-Coating

Erzinger E-Coating

Total Finishing Systems is proud to be partnered with Erzinger, an industry leader in the design and manufacturing of Electrocoating (E-Coat) Systems. To Erzinger painting is not just aesthetics, it is technology, durability, and longevity. With more than 45 years of experience in the E-Coat market, Erzinger is one of the largest manufacturers of E-Coat systems in the world.

What is electrocoating (e-coat)?

E-coat is a painting process that works under the principle of attraction of opposite poles. 

It occurs when a conductive object, immersed in a paint bath, is subjected to an electric current, this object being interconnected to one of the poles and the part particles or electrodes to the other pole. The result of this process is always a continuous and uniform coating that confers excellent resistance to corrosion.

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