Like90 Clean Booth Systems

Like90 Clean Booth Systems

Like90 Clean Booth Systems

Like90's patented Clean Booth System turns your spray booth back into a profit-generating asset, instead of an expensive liability. Now your spray booth can be like new in just a matter of hours. If you have a new spray booth, you can make sure it stays that way.

The result is better lighting, cleaner paintwork, less rework and materials, and faster throughput. This all adds up to a more profitable shop, with Like90 products providing superior performance at the right price. All Like90 coatings are based on waterborne chemistry, are non-hazardous for transport, and are compliant with the strictest V.O.C. (Volatile Organic Compounds) regulations. They can be applied with HVLP, airless or air-assisted spray equipment and protect booth walls, doors, ceilings and glass surfaces from paint overspray build-up. Check out the products and materials below to see how Like90 can make your spray booth look even better than the day you purchased it. Maintaining your spray booth has never been easier.

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