MiniCat Automatic Spray Gun

AUTOMINICAT-13 – (Mini Automatic) Fixed Fan Automatic Air Spray Gun

Contact Us for different Nozzle Sizes.

MINICAT (Mini Automatic) Fixed Fan Automatic Air Spray Gun. C.A.Technologies MiniCat is a fine finish conventional air spray automatic gun for precision finishing and painting of small parts. Designed for production use, the MiniCat is perfect for any application that requires a fine line to a small round fan pattern. For conventional fine finish atomization, this gun cannot be beaten. There is no fan adjustment, this spray gun only provides a circular spray pattern and can range from anywhere between 1/4 in. to 2″ wide, depending on the distance from the substrate, nozzle size, fluid, and air pressures. The fluid needle is controlled and actuated by atomizing air pressure. A minimum of 25 PSI air pressure is required to actuate the fluid needle. Various Siphon and Pressure Feed nozzles are available. Choose nozzle from the dropdown.

Recommended operating air pressure 25 – 50 PSI.

Minimum operating air pressure: 25 PSI

The air cap provides a full round fan.

Air Inlet: 1/4in NPS(m)

Fluid Inlet: 3/8in NPS(m)

Supply hoses are sold separately.

Repair Kit P/N: 10-109

AUTOMINICAT-06S – 0.6mm / .022 Siphon

AUTOMINICAT-06P – 0.6mm / .022 Pressure

AUTOMINICAT-07S – 0.7mm / .028 Siphon

AUTOMINICAT-07P – 0.7mm / .028 Pressure

AUTOMINICAT-10 – 1.0mm / .040 Pressure

AUTOMINICAT-12 – 1.2mm / .046 Pressure

AUTOMINICAT-13 – 1.3mm / .052 Pressure

AUTOMINICAT-15 – 1.5mm / .059 Pressure

AUTOMINICAT-18 – 1.8mm / .070 Pressure

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