


Total Finishing Supplies provides you with all your mixing, dispensing, and agitation needs.

Plural component systems allow you to monitor VOCs and pot lifetime while providing consistent ratio assurances. We offer plural component and electronic meter mix systems with 2K, 3K, and 4K mixing capabilities. 

We offer agitation for containers of all sizes including one-gallon, five-gallon, 55-gallon, totes, and even custom-sized tanks and containers. Agitators are offered in both gear drive and direct drive versions. For higher-viscosity materials, we recommend gear drive agitators.

Paint shakers are available in quart, one-gallon, and five-gallon sizes for both standard and hazardous locations.

Manual and electronic colorant dispensers are available in freestanding and tabletop versions. Colorant dispensers can be ordered in custom dispense increments ie., 1/32nd, 1/48th, 1/64th, 1/128th. Our experts in mixing, dispensing, and agitation are ready to assist you! 

Mixing - Site Navigation


Mixing by Application

aerosol filling agitation colorant dispensers
digital scales paint shakers plural mixing component
Mixing by Brand
anest iwata mixing binks mixing c.a. technologies mixing
devilbiss mixing ransburg mixing sata mixing
wagner mixing walcom mixing walther pilot mixing

1000 B 1000 B LIGNUM 1000 B LIGNUM 2 1000 K 153718 20-30 Gallon 25775 29926 2K 2K Comfort 2K Mixing 2K Smart 3K Mixing 5 Gallon 5 Gallon Agitator 55 Gallon A450 Dispenser A460 Dispenser Abbottstown Industries Accessories Adapter Kit adhesive Aerosol aerospace Aerospace & Defense Agitation agitation cup agitator AGITATOR CUP air guns Air Spray Gun Alpha-Mix applying ASC Tornado Automatic Dispenser automotive Becca Binks C.A. Technologies C.A. Technologies C14 C.A. Technologies Spare Parts carlisle Carlisle Binks carlisle ransburg carpenrty CAT CATalyzer Bobcat Pump CAT CATalyzer Cougar Pump Catalyzer Chameleon contractor Control conversion conversion kit Couplings & Adaptors Coupon Eligible D23 Dispenser D24 Dispenser D60 Dispenser Dedoes Dispenser Disposable Cups Double Stacker feeding Fillon Technologies Fillon Technologies Belt Fillon Technologies Spare Part General general industrial gravity Gravity Cups guns HERO High Pressure Pump high viscosity high viscosity nozzle iMix M2M iMix M2M Professional iShake iShake PRO Kit Lid Closer Like90 Like90 Clean Booth Systems Like90 Surface Products Like90 Thin Film CIC Manual Airspray Gun Manual Dispenser Manual Spray Gun micrometer Mini-Mix Mixer Mixer and Shaker Accessories Mixers and Shakers Mixing Mixing Lid mixing nozzle Mixing Shelves Motor nozzle Paint paint guns paint mix room Paint Mix Rooms Paint Spray Booths paint spray guns Painters and Mixers parts plastic cup plastic cup lid plastic lid Plural Component Preparing pressure pressure cup Pressure Feed Gun pressure gauge Pressure Pot Quart Adapter ransburg reusable cup Roller Conveyor RP RP D S2160M Mixer S2180 Mixer S2400 Mixer S2650 Shaker S2700 Shaker Sagola SATA SATA Applying SATA LIGNUM SATA LIGNUM 2 SATA parts SATA Price SATA RP SATAjet SATAjet 1000 B SATAjet 1000 B LIGNUM 2 SATAjet 1000 K SATAjet LIGNUM SATAjet LIGNUM 2 SATAminijet Shaker Shakers and Mixers Special speciality Spray Booth Spray Booth Accessories spray guns spraying Storage TFS Total Finishing Solutions Total Finishing Supplies Tote Agitator Twin Control Vibrational Shaker Vortex Mixer wagner Wagner 10-70 Wagner 28-40 Wagner 35-150 Wagner 35-70 Wagner 5-60 Wagner liquid Wood Wood Finishing woodworking

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