Polyester Filters

Polyester Filters

Polyester filters provide the highest efficiency rating available for paint booth arrestors.  However, polyester filters have the most expensive material type of paint booth arrestor.  That said, advancements have been made to improve the life of these filters.  Products such as the patented Paint Pockets filters use a design to capture the paint and last 5x longer filter life by maintaining the air flow.  Paint Pockets are available in original white (99.8% efficiency) or green (made up of 20% recycled polyester and 99.7% efficiency).  Additionally, polyester filters can be bought in pads (20" x 20" and 20" x 25") or blanket rolls (various widths by 50' or 60' lengths). 

Our experts are standing by to help you select the right product for your application.  With more than 30 years of industry experience Total Finishing SUPPLIES has the right expertise.  Please call or text us at 503-545-3176 with any questions.  We're on standby to help!

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