Prime Heat IR Curing Non-OEM

Prime Heat IR Curing Non-OEM

Non-OEM Parts for Prime Heat® IR Curing Ovens

Enhance your Prime Heat IR curing systems with our Total Finishing premium parts. Our components are designed to work seamlessly with Prime Heat technology, ensuring you get the fastest cure for your coatings, whether they are solvent-based or water-based.

Our Total Finishing parts are compatible with Prime Heat’s multiple heat zones, IR sensors, and laser pointers, ensuring rapid and precise curing. This results in significant time and energy savings compared to gas convection systems. 

Looking for replacement parts for your Prime Heat IR curing system? Our inventory includes high-quality Prime Heat IR parts such as Halogen Shortwave IR Bulbs that ensure your system continues to operate at peak efficiency.

For expert assistance in selecting the right parts for your Prime Heat system, call or text us at 503-868-4886. Our team, with over 30 years of industry experience Total Finishing SUPPLIES, is ready to help you maintain and enhance your curing process.

Looking for a new and improved IR Cure Solution? Check out our TOTAL IR Cure Oven™.


Prime Heat®™ is a registered trademark of Prime Heat Inc and the same company may claim unregistered trademark rights in other words. The advertised parts are intended to fit Prime Heat®™ ovens. They are not, however, manufactured, endorsed, or sponsored by Prime Heat Inc or any of their affiliates, and no warranty by Prime Heat Inc or any of their affiliates applies. Total Finishing Solutions, LLC is not affiliated with or sponsored or endorsed by Prime Heat Inc and is not one of their authorized distributors.

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