SATA Liner Cup System (LCS)

The Liner Cup System (LCS) from SATA fits onto the QCC connection of your SATA paint spray gun, no adapter needed. Great for any size job: available in three sizes 0.40L, 0.65 L, 0.85 L. Safe, tight connection without locking collar, cup and lid are directly connected to each other with a 4-point connection. Scale indicating remaining material during application - without having to turn gun upside down. 125 and 200 micron sieve options for both waterborne and solventborne coatings.

Included In Each System:

  • 50 pk liners and sieves
  • 1 hard cup and lid
  • 20 caps


  • Particle-free: the premium strainers - Quality is evident in the detail: The strainers of the LCS are manufactured separately in top quality - and tested. They are only clicked into the lid just before painting. This ensures that no paint-disturbing particles impair the final result.
  • Stays in place: the safety lock - The lid on your LCS cup closes extremely securely: the quadruple bayonet reliably locks in place - and shows at a glance that it is correctly secured.
  • In the flow - down to the last drop: extra soft liner - The liner itself, i.e. the inner cup, is made of extra soft and thin material. It collapses particularly easily and thus enables an easy and even material flow
  • For easy mixing: the SATA scale system - SATA as we know it: the complete and detailed scale system. Tried and tested - and precise. An upside-down scale shows the remaining quantity during painting.

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