Spray Tables

spray tables

Spray Tables

As part of our professional drying equipment, we offer a variety of professional spray tables for every shop and every budget.  Freight shipping is free anywhere in the lower 48 states on applicable models (TFS brand only).

Our TFS professional foot operated table is the clever spray table you spin with your foot, leaving your hands free to spray.  This table adjusts from 26” to 40” in height and the support rods adjust between 5” to 27” apart.

TFS’s professional mobile heavy duty spray table is best for heavy products that need to be sprayed.  The table is on a swivel, has locking castors, and can hold up to a 300 lb. Load.

Looking for drying racks to go along with your spray table?  Please visit our racks and carts page.

Racks and Carts Catalog Coming Soon!

Professional Spray Tables - Site Navigation 

$185.00 $209.00

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