Triminator T1000™

Triminator T1000™

The TRIMINATOR T1000™ machine is suitable for automatic painting of different types of profiles, transferring lengthwise inside the machine. The feeding direction is available either right to left or left to right.


  • Metal frame structure and tubular, welded and painted reinforcements.
  • Support base, with feet for height adjustment.
  • Fixed suction trolley integrated in the machine equipped with a suction opening towards the rear suction tower, as well as with front removable panel. The suction trolley has got on the upper side, inside the cabin, 2 suction channels, 2 tanks for paint drain, and relative tank covers, all removable from inside the cabin.
  • Structure of the in-feed and out-feed conveying elements, suitable for supporting the drives to the machine rollers. Motorized belt conveyors both at the infeed and at the out-feed of the machine, advancement by means of motorized rollers between the two spraying tanks.
  • In-feed conveyor equipped with adjustable side guides and pressure wheel complete with microswitch.
  • Motor drive of the conveying elements by means of gear-motors, controlled by inverter.
  • Phonic wheel and reading sensor for spraying control.
  • Rollers driven by means of a flat belt, placed on the front of the machine.
  • Spraying booth equipped with an opening door with upper hinges, complete with gas springs, with front tempered glass on the door, all assembled with a special gasket; net booth ceiling, equipped with filtering sponge.
  • Suction tower attached to the machine base on the rear part of the spraying booth, equipped with filter holder frames and electric fan; the filter holder frames can be extracted at the outfeed side of the machine, parallel to the feeding direction. Electric fan placed on the suction tower, with adjustable horizontal outlet (excluding exhaust pipes).
  • Electric control placed frontally on the right side, on top of the feeding transport and commercial color RAL 6018 -pneumatic components placed on the wall at the out-feed of the cabin.

Our experts are standing by to help you select the right feeding method for your application. With more than 30 years of industry experience Total Finishing Supplies has the right expertise. Please call or text us at 503-545-3176 with any questions.  We’re on standby to help!

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From $49,995.00 $54,995.00

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