Wagner Powder Application Systems

Our solutions for your business

Whether for applications in the industrial sectors wood and MDF, automotive, protective coating or domestic appliances: The WAGNER Group, with its WAGNER, Walther Pilot, Reinhardt-Technik and C.A. Technologies brands, provides perfectly aligned products and solutions for optimizing your entire coating and bonding processes. We offer a complete technology range to fit the material you use – liquid and powder coatings, adhesives or other fluid media.

WAGNER and Total Finishing Supplies provides a wide range of custom coating applications. These solutions stand out through their versatility, quick color changes, ability to be cleaned easily and environmentally friendly powder recovery systems.

Wagner powder application systems are superior when it comes to quality and performance. These units are advanced components that have yet to be duplicated. Total Finishing Supplies is your trusted supplier of Wagner powder coating systems and powder parts for sale.

With years of experience in the industry, Total Finishing Supplies and Wagner Systems have a reputation of delivering superior paint finishing systems. Even after all these years, Wagner powder application systems are still as in high demand as ever before and the reason why is simple: they increase productivity and provide innovative solutions that have yet to be matched in the industry.

More and more paint finishers are choosing Total Finishing Solutions for their Wagner systems. Our customer service is unparalleled, and our team is always ready to address your needs. 

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