Walcom Spray Gun Washers

Walcom Spray Gun Washers

Walcom Spray Gun Washers

Walcom's EASY series spray gun cleaners offer a manual cleaning solution that stands as the ultimate choice for those seeking to establish a dedicated spray gun cleaning area. These EASY gun cleaners are characterized by their practicality, indispensability, and comprehensiveness. They are conveniently available in two variations: /S for solvent-based paints and /W for water-based paints. 

Walcom's EASY spray gun cleaner ensures effective cleaning and maintenance of your spray gun. Its practicality and safety contribute significantly to the proper and eco-friendly upkeep of your equipment. With a thinner atomizer (or water atomizer in the /W version) in conjunction with correct operation, these Walcom's gun cleaners deliver optimal results in spray gun cleaning and maintenance.

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